The Council on the Ageing WA (COTA WA) is delighted to be appointed and recognised by the State Government’s Department of Communities as the Vulnerable Seniors Peak Body in Western Australia.

Our role as the Seniors Peak Body is to promote, advocate and represent the interests of vulnerable seniors, including the prevention of elder abuse; and to raise awareness of measures to protect seniors from the impact of COVID-19.

The appointment was announced by Hon Mick Murray MLA, Minister for Seniors and Ageing; Volunteering; Sport and Recreation on Thursday 18 June 2020.

“The McGowan Government will also provide funding of $240,000 to COTA WA which will help protect seniors, particularly those in harder to reach groups such as Aboriginal people, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.”

]”The peak body will provide crucial information and support to older Western Australians by connecting them with service providers and government agencies. Resources relating to technology, scams, elder abuse and other important issues will also be available.”

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