Who has not been surprised by the legalities of something which seemed, on first encounter, to be relatively straight-forward? It could have something to do with renting a house or apartment; your rights in dealing with a dispute in a retirement village; making sure a Will is valid or not open to interpretation or making sure that your end-of-life-wishes are readily available should you become incapable of communicating them if required.

This Guide will help you to untangle the intricacies of many issues which have already, or may confront you, as you continue your life’s journey.

Areas covered in the Guide are:

  • Housing and Accommodation
  • Loans from an Institution
  • Family Violence
  • Guardianship and Administration Act 1990
  • Public Trustee
  • Public Advocate
  • Wills
  • Organ Donation
  • Advance Care Planning
  • Voluntary Assisted Dying
  • Legal Resources

The Guide has been formatted to enable you to read it in its entirety or to find a section or issue which is important to you. Likewise, the online version is also easy to navigate to find a specific issue or topic. We hope that the Guide helps you to navigate some of the legal complexities of life as you grow older.

Download the Let’s Make It Legal Guide [PDF]

What do we mean by ‘legalities’ or ‘legal issues’? To put it simply, they cover issues which have a legal underpinning covered by a law. This means that if you do not take the legal ‘requirements’ of the relevant law into account when dealing with them, you are likely at one extreme to break the law. At the other extreme, it is likely that your intentions are not followed or are challenged in a court of law. Either way, the outcome is not what you would want!

As is the case with many issues as we grow older, it is always a good idea to make known to a person or people you trust, exactly where the relevant legal documents are located. This is very important should you become unexpectedly unable to communicate this crucial information, due perhaps to an accident or to an unanticipated event. It is always a good idea to have legal documents stored in more than one location, apart from a safe place at home. Certified copies, which hold the same status as the originals, should be located outside your home, for example with a family member or members and/or with a trusted friend. More information on who can certify a copy of an original document can be found in this Guide.

Disclaimer: This guide is intended to provide a summary and overview. It does not constitute legal advice. It is important to understand every individual situation is different and some parts of this Guide may not apply to everyone.

We recommend you seek independent legal advice if you have any concerns about the issues discussed in this guide and when committing to a legal contract.


Endorsed by: Older People’s Rights Service (OPRS)

Supported by: Lotterywest

To access the complete Let’s Make It Legal Guide click here:

COTA (WA) Let’s Make It Legal Guide: PDF

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