Support Services Directory
Find useful contacts for things like housing, care, health, legal help and more.
Yaandina Community Care Services
58 Hampton St, Roebourne, WA, 6718
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program provides culturally appropriate aged care to older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The service providers in this program deliver a mix of aged care services, mainly in rural and remote areas.
Residential Care: Yes
Home/Community Care: No -
Western Australian Government WA Scamnet
Western Australian Government WA Scamnet provides advice about a range of scams, and how to report and/or protect yourself against scams
Western Australian Government – COVID-19 Coronavirus: advice in other languages
A list of resources is available about COVID-19 in languages other than English. The resources include; fact sheets, guidelines and other publications. If you have a COVID-19 question and are from a CALD background and need an interpreter.
Western Australian Department of Communities
Information is available on the Department of Communities website and will be updated as the situation changes.
Wanslea Grandcarers Program WA
Wanslea provides services for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren (full-time) on an informal basis.
WA Retirement Villages Residents Association
WARVRA provides: Advocacy on behalf of residents. Forums where residents can express their concerns and share their experiences. Information for people considering whether to move into a Retirement Village. Representation to government and other bodies for changes beneficial to residents. Resources and training seminars for residents in their village management roles.
WA Local Government Association (WALGA)
Many local governments have put in place services and programs specifically to support
older residents during this time including phone welfare checks to ensure the wellbeing of
older residents, and ensuring appropriate referrals or services can be implemented;
delivered mystery boxes from the local library and neighbour programs so that residents
have someone to talk to.Contact your local government directly to find out what they are providing, or if you don’t
know which local government area you are in, you can call WA Local Government
Association (WALGA). -
WA Government Department of Health
For up to date COVID-19 health information and advice.
Technology for Ageing and Disability (TADWA)
TADWA operates across six different disciplines and generating a range of innovative solutions to the challenges faced by older people and people with disability, by providing advice, education, assessment, support and innovative collaboration with the community.
Suicide Call Back Service
Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service that provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide.
Subiaco Justice Centre Inc.
Subiaco Justice Centre provides legal advice and representation to disadvantaged persons.
Strength for Life (SFL)
The SFL exercise program (formerly Living Longer Living Stronger™) has been running or 15 years with around 5,000 participants in WA and encourages social activities. Specifically designed for seniors, there are more than 60 centres across WA. Tier 1 is for people with more complex issues or chronic conditions. Tier 2 is a preventative program for more active seniors. To find your nearest SFL program – or more information, visit our website.
*COTA WA Grateful Acknowledges that Strength for Life™ is supported by the Richard Lockwood Foundation.
Seniors Rights Advocacy Service
The Seniors Rights and Advocacy Service is a specialist legal advice and assistance service located in the Civil Law Division at Legal Aid WA. We help older Western Australians to safeguard their rights and prevent elder abuse.
Seniors Housing Advisory Centre (SHAC)
The Seniors Housing Advisory Centre (SHAC) is a free, independent information and advice service covering the full range of housing options for seniors in WA. The SHAC does not directly offer housing, or provide financial and legal advice, but can be an invaluable source of information for seniors and their families.
SBS Online Radio: Coronavirus Vaccine and COVID-19 updates in your language
Coronavirus information in your language: news and information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available in 63 languages.
Relationships Australia WA
Relationships Australia WA has been providing relationship support services to individuals, couples, families and communities in Western Australia for over 60 years. Our Senior Relationship Services aim to support older people and their families to develop and maintain strong, healthy relationships that are promoted and valued. We provide a range of specialised services across Western Australia.
QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
OMI Office of Multi-Cultural Interests
The Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) is a division of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. OMI works to achieve the full potential of multiculturalism in WA. This requires strategies that encompass the whole community, including business and industry groups, government and non-government agencies, culturally diverse communities and the wider community.
If you find it hard to communicate in English, the WA Interpreterr Card lets government agencies know you need an interpreter and in what language.
For the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 13 14 50
If you have a speech or hearing impairment, contact OMI through National Relay Service.
National Relay Service (OMI) Free Call: 1800 555 677 -
Older Persons Advisory Network (OPAN)
COVID-19 FAQ page provides answers to common questions regarding COVID-19 and aged care services. COVID-19 Resources page gives access to reliable and accurate sources of information about COVID-19.
Older People’s Rights Service (OPRS) Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre
Comprised of a senior lawyer and nurse advocate. Service is funded by Department of Communities providing legal advice, information and support to older adults at risk of or experiencing elder abuse in Perth Metropolitan and City of Mandurah. OPRS also operates the Senior Addressing Risks at Home (SARaH) program. The Seniors Register is operated by trained volunteers who make weekly calls to older adults who may be feeling isolated and appreciate a social chat with a peer.
No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)
Ngamang Bawoona Aged Care
33 Sutherland St, Derby, WA, 6728
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program provides culturally appropriate aged care to older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The service providers in this program deliver a mix of aged care services, mainly in rural and remote areas.
Residential Care: Yes
Home/Community Care: No -
National Information Centre on Retirement Investments
National Debt Hotline
Free, independent and confidential financial information and support provided by financial counsellors. The hotline can also help you find other financial support services in your community.
National COVID Older Persons Information Line
Older people and carers are encouraged to call the Information Line to speak to friendly specially trained staff.
My Aged Care – Australian Government
Support for older Australians in Australia Government funded aged-care and Coronavirus (COVID-19) information.
Mental Health Commission WA
Mental Health Commission WA runs Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services (Next Step) providing a range of treatment services for people experiencing problems associated with their alcohol and other drug use, as well as support for families.
Marlgu Village Aged Care
27 Coverley St, Wyndham, WA, 6740
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program provides culturally appropriate aged care to older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The service providers in this program deliver a mix of aged care services, mainly in rural and remote areas.
Residential Care: Yes
Home/Community Care: No -
Lions Hearing Clinic
Your hearing greatly impacts your perception of the world around you and your relationships. Hearing loss can isolate you from conversations with friends, family and in the workplace. It can also make it difficult to do the things in life that you enjoy, from socialising with friends and family, to watching TV. Lions Hearing Clinics are dedicated to helping you improve your hearing and get back to enjoying the sounds in your life and conversations with loved ones.
Lions Eye Institute Australia
The Lions Eye Institute (LEI) is a not-for-profit centre of excellence that combines world class scientific research into the prevention of blindness with the highest level of eye care delivery. It incorporates one of Australia’s largest ophthalmic practices, including a Day Surgery Unit and a Laser Vision Centre. The LEI also houses the Lions Eye Bank, Lions Optics, Lions Outback Vision and the Lions Save-Sight Foundation WA.
Lifeline WA provides all Western Australians experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
LGBTIQ+ Rights in Ageing Inc. (GRAI)
GRAI: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Rights in Ageing Inc. was formed in Perth in 2005 to protect the rights and well-being of older LGBTI people.
GRAI are a not-for-profit community-based organisation working to ensure that older LGBTI people will be safe and welcomed wherever they are.
Village Hub Befrienders Program
Befriending is a structured relationship between a befriender and a 'befriendee'. Befriending relationships aim to be non-judgemental, supportive of the 'befriendee' and confidential.
The Befriender coordinator has trained and supports a group of older GLBTI volunteers to provide a befriending service to vulnerable older GLBTI people. Older GLBTI people can be referred by organisations or self-refer and they will be matched to an appropriate peer GLBTI person. Email :
Kungkarrangkalpa Aged Care Service
Wanarn Community, Main Road Wanarn WA 6743
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program provides culturally appropriate aged care to older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The service providers in this program deliver a mix of aged care services, mainly in rural and remote areas.
Residential Care: Yes
Home/Community Care: No -
Guwardi Ngadu
Forrest Rd, Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program provides culturally appropriate aged care to older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The service providers in this program deliver a mix of aged care services, mainly in rural and remote areas.
Residential Care: Yes
Home/Community Care: Yes -
Financial Counsellors’ Association of WA
Financial counsellors work for not-for-profit organisations and can help you to sort out your debts and work with your creditors. You can locate your nearest financial counsellor online through typing in your postcode. There are also updates and resources about COVID-19 on the website.
Dial A Doctor Perth
Dial-A-Doctor is an accredited and established medical deputising service, supporting GP clinics by providing urgent care for their patients in the Medicare-defined after-hour period. The service is at the forefront of after-hours care in Australia, providing safe, reliable, high quality medical services to those in need.
Counselling Australia Helpline
Community Connect, Injury Matters
Commonwealth Financial Information Services
132 300 (ask for Financial Information Service)
Carers WA
Carers WA can assist people providing unpaid daily care to a spouse, relative or friend to navigate the system of supports aimed to help you cope with the COVID-19 situation.
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue is an Australian independent non-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental disorders.
Australian Government Scamwatch
Australian Government Scamwatch provides specific information, advice and support for older Australians.
Other Languages
Australian Government Department of Health – Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Remote Communities
Call the National Coronavirus Helpline if you are seeking information on coronavirus. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Australian Department of Health
The National Coronavirus Helpline can provide information 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week.
Australia Post
At the heart of every Australian community, Australia Post is a regular presence to rely on. They have always looked for ways to link communities together and listen to what matters to them. They will always be there for Australians in need.
Alzheimer’s WA
As the dementia experts, Alzheimer’s WA works with those living with dementia and the organisations that care and support them, to have the greatest beneficial impact on their dementia journey. They are guided by people living with dementia and views dementia as a holistic experience for the person rather than just a biological illness.
Advocare Elder Abuse Helpline
Advocare provides a range of advocacy and information services designed to assist older people, their families and carers. They help you to be able to make choices to suit you, understand your rights, resolve issues with aged and community care service provision and access the right available supports and protections. Services are free, confidential and guided by you.
If you speak a language other than English, assistance will be via the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).
Free Interpreting Service 1300 575 847
Aboriginal Language Interpreting Service
Advocare recommends that to access an Aboriginal language interpreting service regarding
elder abuse, please call Aboriginal Interpreting WA (AIWA).